Purge Alert
Do you have film, prints, diapositives, maps, or other historical aerial data that you need to dispose of? If that is the case, please use the link below to email the ASPRS office and reference a purge alert and a description of the collection, what time frames and locations it covers, and when it is physically located. ASPRS and the committee will attempt to find a home for your data!
ASPRS Office
Below is a short list of organizations that may be willing to accept your data that can be contacted directly:
- Historical Aerials: https://www.historicaerials.com/contact
- Penn State University Libraries, University Park, Contact: Nathan Piekielek, Geospatial Services Librarian
- University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries, Map & Imagery Library, Contact: Carol McAuliffe, Map Librarian
- University of California, Santa Barbara, Archives & Manuscripts, Contact: Tom Brittnacher
- Eastern Topographics, https://www.e-topo.com/, Contact Tyler Rigazio
*Request to be added to this list