
Mr. Joseph McGlinchy

Hydrosat, Inc.

Contact Details

Hydrosat, Inc.


My professional interests relate to identifying and solving problems with geospatial data in areas such as environmental monitoring, multidimensional scene representation, and disaster response, utilizing remotely sensed data such as multi- and hyperspectral imagery, lidar, and radar, through data fusion, advanced processing, and exploitation. As remote sensing scientist with Hydrosat, I am enjoying the challenge of operationalizing the use of daily, fused land surface temperature and surface reflectance data at the global scale. 

I have over 10 years of experience in the remote sensing and geospatial industries. I hold a Masters of Science in Imaging Science from Rochester Institute of Technology and a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Akron.

In my free time, you can find me playing soccer, disc golf, enjoying the mountains (hiking / climbing / snowboarding) and not really being all that good at Magic: The Gathering.